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Free Shipping on all orders over $49 • $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping on orders under $49.
This section breaks down additives by manufacturer: Brightwell Aquatics, Fauna Marin, Seachem, Prodibio, Two Little Fishies, TLC, and others.
This section breaks down additives by type: aquarium buffer, aquarium vitamins, calcium/kalkwasser, iodine, planted tank additives, reef aquarium specific supplements, and water treatments.
We carry of measuring cups for adding additives. This is much better than sneakily using the ones in the kitchen. Yes, it's best to have a dedicated measuring device for aquarium additives.
Any aquarist who has ever had a sick fish knows just how stressful and discouraging it can be. If you haven’t had a sick fish, it’s just a matter of time until you do. You need to be able to recognize when a fish is sick and know how to treat the fish before it’s too late. Related Article:Basic Marine Fish Diseases and Treatments Overview
We answer all emails through 3 PM the same day (m-f).
Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MT. We will return all phone calls through 3 PM the same day.
Note: we do not have daylight savings time in Arizona