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Aquarium Lighting

Useful Links:
Reef Aquarium Hood Lighting Chart
Planted & Fish Only Tank Lighting Chart
Are There Reasons To Buy Anything Other Than An LED Light For Your Aquarium?

What are Wattage, Lumens, Lux and PAR?
Getting the Most out of Your Light
How Long Should Aquarium Lights Be On?
LED Reef Aquarium Lighting
These are higher wattage LED lights from Kessil, AquaticLife, Cobalt, Coralife, Fluval, Giesemann, Maxspect, JBJ, Marineland and Aqamai that are capable of supporting corals. Many of these LED lights come with built-in controllers or are controller compatible.

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LED Planted Tank Aquarium Lighting
This section features LED lights from Fluval and Kessil that have the proper spectrum and output for freshwater aquarium plants. Many of these LED lights come with built-in controllers or are controller compatible. These lights have higher output than the lights for fish only aquariums.
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LED Fish Only Aquarium Lighting
(lower intensity)
This page features LED aquarium lights that are appropriate for lighting fish only tanks and for night lighting. more info
T5 Aquarium Lighting
We carry a variety of T5 Aquarium Lights from Coralife, Wavepoint and Hamilton. Although most people are buying LED lights these days, there are still good reasons to buy T5 lights or T5/LED hybrids for reef aquariums.
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This section has replacement parts and bulbs for AquaticLife, Coralife, Wavepoint, Red Sea and Hagen T5 Lighting Fixtures. You might also consider the Arcadia LED T5 Bulbs or Giesemann T5/HO Bulbs as replacements for your fixture or retrofit light.

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This section has replacement parts for a AquaticLife, Kessil, Lifegard, Fluval, Marineland and other LED aquarium lights. Power supplies are often the only replaceable part of an LED light.

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REPLACEMENT BULBS & PARTS: Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting
Compact Fluorescent Lights from Coralife and a variety of replacement compact fluorescent lamps.

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REPLACEMENT BULBS & PARTS: Metal Halide Aquarium Lighting
We do not carry Metal Halide Lights any more. We do have a wide variety of replacement lamps and a few replacement parts. more info