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Refugium Overview
Fiji Cube Refugiums
The Fiji Cube Hang On Refugium Boxes are a great option for growing beneficial algae to help with nutrient control in your tank and for harboring micro fauna. The refugium boxes comes with a quiet efficient pump and a unique baffle system. This design prevents the substrate and the inhabitants from being disturbed while providing enough flow to prevent stagnant zones.
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Refugium Lights
All refugiums require lighting. Refugium lights typically use daylight color temperature bulbs. You'll want your refugium light to be as bright as your main system light. Offerings include the Kessil Tuna Flora, Tunze Eco Chic & Innovative Marine Aqua Gadget.
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Refugium Live Mud & Substrate
Using a specialized refugium substrate will increase the growth of useful macro-algae in a refugium more info