• Free Shipping on all orders over $49 • $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping on orders under $49.

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  • Free Shipping on all orders over $49 • $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping on orders under $49.

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10% OFF sitewide COUPON CODE through the end of February. MORE INFO.

10% OFF sitewide COUPON CODE through the end of February. MORE INFO.

10% OFF sitewide COUPON CODE through the end of February. MORE INFO.

Free Shipping Over $49
($5.99 Under $49)

OK. What products do NOT qualify for Free Shipping?
ALL products on MarineAndReef.com QUALIFY for Free Shipping. Salt? Sand? Chillers? Big tanks? No problem. They are all shipped for free if your order is over $49.

Will You ship anywhere for free?
Nope. Sorry, but we only ship orders for free to the 48 contiguous states (and assorted small islands that are parts of those states).

Why Don't You Ship Everything For Free?
Some products are very inexpensive and the cost of shipping can be greater then the cost of the product. We could either charge more for inexpensive products or charge a small amount for shipping. By charging $5.99 for smaller orders we can keep the cost of inexpensive items such as filter pads, small jars of food and impellers much lower.
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  • Please contact us with any questions you have.

  • [email protected]

    We answer all emails through 3 PM the same day (m-f).

  • (480) 491-5283

    Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MT. We will return all phone calls through 3 PM the same day.

    Note: we do not have daylight savings time in Arizona

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