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Seachem Planktonic Foods

Aquarium Fish Food: Seachem Planktonic Foods

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Seachem Reef Phytoplankton 500 ml Seachem Reef Phytoplankton, 500 ml

Product Code: RSC15030
Seachem Reef Phytoplankton, 500 ml, is a concentrated blend of green and brown marine phytoplankton designed to provide the essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, with biological carotenoids for invertebrate diet. Size ranges from 1-20 μm to feed a broad range of tropical marine aquarium filter feeders and invertebrates.

Our Price: $16.17
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Seachem Reef Zooplankton 500 ml Seachem Reef Zooplankton, 500 ml

Product Code: RSC15130
Seachem Reef Zooplankton, 500 ml, is a concentrated blend of marine zooplankton designed to provide the essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, with biological carotenoids for coral growth. The particle size range is 12.5-500 μm to feed a broad range of marine aquarium inhabitants.

Our Price: $16.17
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