This Fluval 306/307 Canister Filter 3-Month Replacement Media Package has enough media & lubricant for three monthly changes. Includes:
Fluval recommends you replace your Quick-Clear Water Polishing Pad & Carbon every month. They also recommend you clean and lubricate the Motor Head Gasket. This maintenance package will last you three months. It has THREE of Water Polishing Pads and SIX of the Carbon. The filter takes two Carbons. There is also one tube of Super Lube for each month.
The Ammonia, Phosphate & Nitrite Remover Pads are optional and not included. If you're using these pads, they should be replaced every month as well.
The Aquarium Cleaning Towel is a durable, lint-free microfiber towel. 19" X 15".
Fluval's Monthly Maintenance Instructions:Be sure to unplug your filter before cleaning.Along with the Water Polishing Pad and Carbon, you should replace any Ammonia, Phosphate and Nitrite pads you are using. Check and clean the Impeller. Check and clean the Bio-Foam, Bio-Foam+, and Bio-Foam Max. Rinse the BioMax with aquarium water. Clean and lubricate the Motor Head Gasket and impeller cover.
To help remember when to do maintenance, use the
Fluval Canister Filter Maintenance Checklist (pdf in new window).
Further reading: