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Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter
Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter - Image 1 of 0
Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter - Image 2 of 0
Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter - Image 1 of 0
Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter - Image 2 of 0
Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter - Image 1 of 0
Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter - Image 2 of 0

Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter

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  • Brand & Manufacturer:: Seachem Tidal Power Filter
Product Code: RSC06581

The Seachem Tidal 35 Power Filter is easy to use and adaptable to a variety of aquarium conditions. It comes with several desirable features—including a self-priming pump, surface skimmer, adjustable flow, maintenance alert, self-cleaning impeller, and a filter basket that can hold extra filter media.

The fully adjustable flow regulation adjusts performance to a specific aquarium volume and environment. The surface skimmer will capture the water from just below the surface, where excreted fish oils accumulate, as well as deeper in the tank removing floating debris.

When the filtration media becomes clogged, water is redirected around the filter and back into the aquarium through an outlet on the side. The redirected water pushes up the blue maintenance alert on the top of the filter, signaling that the filter needs to be cleaned.

  • For aquariums up to 35 gallons
  • 130 gph flow rate
  • Dimensions: 7-1/8" X 6-1/8" X 5-1/8". Wall clearance: 2-3/4". 6 watts. Filter volume: .2 gallons.
  • Comes with Seachem Matrix Bio-Media and Bottom Foam Filter. There is plenty room to add extra media.
  • Includes a flow regulation dial, leveling dial, self priming pump, self cleaning impeller and maintenance alert device
  • Made by Sicce
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